FAQ - frequently asked questions


Where is the Restaurant Burehuus located?

The Burehuus is located in Thun, in the Hohmad neighbourhood (5 minutes from Thun train station).

How long does it take to walk from Thun train station to Restaurant Burehuus?

It is about a 10-minute walk from the station to the Restaurant Burehuus.

What is the best way to get from Thun train station to Restaurant Burehuus?

The B5 bus runs directly from Thun station to Restaurant Burehuus.

Plan route


Does Restaurant Burehuus have a garden patio?

Yes, there is a large sunny patio and a garden with fruit trees and fountain directly behind the Burehuus.

Is there a children's playground at Restaurant Burehuus?

Yes, there's a playground right next to the garden patio.

Are dogs allowed in the Restaurant Burehuus?

Yes, dogs are also very welcome at the Burehuus.

Is the Restaurant Burehuus wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the Burehuus is accessible for wheelchair users.

Opening hours

When is the Restaurant Burehuus open?

On the following page you will find our current opening hours: Opening hours Burehuus


Can I park my car at the Burehuus during the Lake Thun Festival?

Yes, for our guests the parking places are provided free of charge.

Is there free parking at Restaurant Burehuus?

Yes, the parking spaces at the Burehuus can be used by our guests free of charge and are located directly in front of the restaurant. You are also welcome to leave the car with us after your meal and take a trip into the city of Thun.

Special occasions

Can I plan an event in the Burehuus?

Events of all kinds are possible in the Restaurant Burehuus. We will be happy to advise you. You can find more information about the events here.

Menu & Food

What does the menu at Restaurant Burehuus look like?

Our menu consists of a variety of traditional Swiss classics with modern touches. All our dishes are freshly prepared with love from regionally sourced products.

Is the menu always the same at Restaurant Burehuus?

No, our menu is always seasonal. That's why our menu changes four times a year. You can find our current menu on our website.

See the menu

Does Restaurant Burehuus use sustainable and regional products?

Yes, we always favour regional, seasonal and sustainable products. We even grow some ourselves in our vegetable and herb garden, and only work with regional suppliers to source our raw products.

Are gluten-free, lactose-free or vegan alternatives also offered?

You can inform us of any allergies or intolerances in advance. Our experienced kitchen team will be happy to prepare a delicious alternative (e.g. gluten-free, lactose-free or vegan) for you.

Sunday Brunch

How long does the Sunday brunch last?

The Burehuus Brunch is offered every Sunday from 9:00am to 12:00.

Should I make a reservation for Sunday Brunch?

Reservations are required for Sunday brunch, as it is regularly fully booked.

What is on offer at Sunday Brunch?

A large Zmorgebubuffet awaits you at the Burehuus Zmorge

You can find out more on the Burehuus Zmorge subpage.

Learn more about the Burehuus Brunch

Are alternative products offered at Sunday brunch in case of allergies or intolerances?

Yes, we are happy to offer you alternative products. Please contact us as soon as possible.

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